The Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 promote the health and safety of members of the public, and promote the prevention of damage to property, around the supply and use of electricity in New Zealand.

These Regulations do the following:

  • Gather together and state the generic rules and requirements about electrical safety, and what is deemed to be electrically safe and electrically unsafe
  • Deal with the design, construction and use of works, installations, fittings, and appliances
  • Deal with the importation and sale of fittings and appliances
  • Provide for installations to be designed and installed under AS/NZS 3000; Define requirements relating to safety management systems
  • Set out in schedules all the standards applicable to the regulations, with a focus on the adoption of international Standards
  • Provide for offences including infringement offences

The Regulations came into force on the 1st of April 2010 revoking the  Electricity Regulations 1997.