Using a forklift can be hazardous. Along with the risk inherent in driving any vehicle, using forklifts in enclosed spaces can result in carbon monoxide poisoning in operators and other workers.

Driving a forklift can be dangerous for both the driver and those working alongside. In particular, using LPG, petrol or diesel powered forklifts pose the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Forklifts and carbon monoxide poisoning

We have produced guidance on carbon monoxide poisoning and how to reduce the chances of it occurring.

Forklifts and carbon monoxide poisoning explains the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning when using fuel powered forklifts and how to keep workers healthy and safe.

Information for suppliers

Businesses which sell or hire forklifts have an obligation to make sure that any forklift they supply won’t put people at risk.

Suppliers of forklifts - risk of carbon monoxide poisoning provides guidance on warnings and discussions to have with customers.