Recent international experience and medical studies have allowed hyperbaric specialists to establish updated advice on what to do if exposed to COVID-19 and how to best protect divers.

WorkSafe, following recommendations from the Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Service (DHMS) has endorsed the following position from the South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS) withdrawing specific restrictions on divers related to COVID-19.

See COVID-19 updates | link)

What we know

Any respiratory injury can cause serious harm to a diver. Occupational divers have to pass annual medical assessments to be deemed to be medically fit. The best way to protect yourself and others around you from the effects of respiratory illnesses such as influenza, COVID-19, and others is to maintain seasonal and available vaccinations and boosters.

WorkSafe advice

Anyone with respiratory symptoms should not dive until fully recovered. If symptoms persist, they should see their GP for further advice and appropriate treatment.