
The fees and levies for major hazard facilities (MHFs) are:

  • fees for the assessment of safety cases for upper tier MHFs
  • annual levies for upper and lower tier MHFs based on complexity of the facility.

Tier and types

Schedule 8 of the regulations(external link) outlines the fees and levies that apply to MHFs.

The MHF fees and levies depend on the tier and type of facility.

The types are:

  • Type 1 – Low complexity
  • Type 2 – Medium complexity
  • Type 3 – High complexity

Levy for each year

Major hazard facility Levy for 2023 and 2024 Levy for 2025 onwards
Lower tier
Type 1 $7,800 $14,600
Type 2 $9,000 $17,600
Type 3 $10,200 $19,900
Upper tier
Type 1 $14,700 $28,800
Type 2 $17,900 $35,000
Type 3 $20,400 $39,900

All costs are in NZ dollars, exclusive of GST.

The levy is due 1 July and an invoice will be issued by WorkSafe each year.

Safety case fees

A safety case given to WorkSafe must be accompanied by the relevant fee. The operator should confirm the indicative date they will give the safety case to us.

Assessment of new safety case

Upper tier fee - $31,000

Assessment of revised safety case until 30 June 2028

Note: there are no discounted fees for additional facilities during this time.

Upper tier fee - $8,000

Assessment of revised safety case from 1 July 2028

Upper tier:

  • Full fee - $28,100
  • Discounted fee for each additional facility - $22,500

Levy for a newly designated MHF

Following designation you will be advised of the levy due according to the tier and type of MHF.

The levy for a designated MHF in its first year of operation is calculated on the number of full months from designation until 30 June.

An operator of a proposed MHF who has notified us of their facility must tell us when they first hold quantities of specified hazardous substances equal to or above the lower threshold quantity. The levy is calculated on the number of full months from this date until 30 June.

Informing WorkSafe of changes

The operator of a MHF must notify us if there is change in the purpose or use of any specified hazardous substance at the facility such that it has the effect of changing the facility tier or type.

Use the Notification of Major Hazard Facility form