
People value health and safely

Our work supports people to value health and safety as part of good business.

 Results 2016/17Estimated result 2017/18Target 2021/22
Percentage of workers in priority sectors who view health and safety as a top priority 39% 36% >65%
Percentage of employers in priority sectors who view health and safety as a top priority 63% 63% >75%
Source: Health and Safety Attitudes and Behaviours Survey   
Percentage of people (workers and employers) who:      
Made at least one change to improve workplace safety and/or reduce risks to workers’ health 81% Not yet avaialble >85%
Source: Service Excellence Survey (SES) after interaction with Health and Safety Inspector    

Health and safety improves wellbeing

Our work enables good health and safety to improve people’s quality of life. 

 Result 2016/17Estimated result 2017/18Target 2021/22
Percentage of employers who have a process for identifying, assessing and managing the business's main health and safety risks, who also regularly review the processes and systems.  79%  Not yet available   >80%
 Source: National Survey of Employers.    
Workers who agreed their workplace has ways for workers to participate in health and safety and raise issues  90%  83%  >90% 
Employers who agreed their workplace has ways for workers to participate in health and safety and raise issues  86%  86% >90%
 Source: Health and Safety Attitudes and Behaviours Survey   

More operators respond to potentially dangerous precursor events

Percentage of all precursor events that were adaquately responded to   96.4%  Not yet available  >99%

More plans from operators meet requirement and are followed  

Cases of non-compliance relating to a breach of the requirements set out in safety cases or Principal Hazard Management Plans subsequent to submission.  4  Not yet available   0
 Source: WorkSafe High Hazard Unit data 

Collective approach to health and safety

Our work leads the health and safety system towards shared goals.

 Result 2016/17Estimated result 2017/18Target 2021/22
Percentage of people (workers and employers) we engage with who agreed that:       
WorkSafe is making a real difference to workplace health and safety in New Zealand 66% Not yet available  >75%
 Source: SES, after interaction with a health and safety inspector.